1. TOP
  2. Investor Relations
  3. FAQ


About us

When was your company founded?
It was founded in October 1990. For details, please see Our History & Award-winning records.
When was your stock listed on the stock market?
Our stock was listed in August 2001.
What is your company name derived from?
It is derived from the Latin word septem, which means seven. We are closely related to seven. For example, we launched the company by seven members and we wish to have our seven subsidiaries listed on the stock market in the future.
Describe your corporate philosophy.
Refer to "the Corporate Philosophy "
Describe your business in detail.
Refer to "the Business Operations & Group Company List."
Describe the Group companies.
Refer to "the Business Operations & Group Company List."
Describe the executives of the Septeni group.
Refer to "Our Executives"
Describe the profile of the Septeni Group.
Refer to "For individual investors."

About our stock

About financial results and financial affairs

About dividends

What are the criteria for eligibility for dividends?
We will pay dividends to shareholders registered on the shareholder registry as of December 31 each year.
Please tell me about dividends.
Please refer to the Dividend Information.