1. TOP
  2. Investor Relations
  3. Financial Position and Performance
  4. Consolidated Performance Highlights

Consolidated Performance Highlights

Consolidated Performance Highlights

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Revenue 17,938 21,384 27,589 34,267 28,284
Gross profit 14,596 17,285 22,565 27,467 22,203
Operating profit 2,274 3,650 6,166 4,949 3,129
Non-GAAP operating profit 2,452 3,796 6,565 5,091 3,197
Profit attributable to
owners of the parent
1,464 2,604 5,734 4,319 5,526
【Reference】Net sales 76,489 97,606 130,205 169,719 145,996

*1 FY2023 is 15 months from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 due to a change in the fiscal year-end.
*2 Revenue, gross profit, operating profit, Non-GAAP operating profit, and net sales for FY2022 and FY2023 are presented based on the amounts after the reclassification of the performance of COMISMA INC. (formerly COMICSMART INC.) and its subsidiaries, etc., as discontinued operations.

  FY2023/5Q FY2024/1Q FY2024/2Q FY2024/3Q FY2024/4Q
Revenue 7,340 7,292 6,697 6,898 7,397
Gross profit 5,966 5,982 5,306 5,231 5,685
Operating profit 1,363 1,259 482 450 937
Non-GAAP operating profit 1,359 1,274 493 485 944
Profit attributable to owners of parent 1,550 3,489 516 266 1,254
[Reference] Net sales 37,295 38,822 34,788 35,273 37,113

*1 FY2023 is 15 months from October 1, 2022 to December 31, 2023 due to a change in the fiscal year-end.
*2 Revenue, gross profit, operating profit, and Non-GAAP operating profit for FY2023/5Q and FY2024/1Q are presented based on the amounts after the reclassification of the performance of COMISMA INC. (formerly COMICSMART INC.) and its subsidiaries, etc., as discontinued operations.

Financial Highlights

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Total assets 34,425 42,011 88,731 93,606 97,637
Total equity 15,811 18,445 62,754 65,705 69,955
Total liabilities 18,613 23,566 25,977 27,901 27,683
  FY2023/5Q FY2024/1Q FY2024/2Q FY2024/3Q FY2024/4Q
Total assets 93,606 99,176 96,798 94,369 97,637
Total equity 65,705 68,121 68,623 68,776 69,955
Total liabilities 27,901 31,055 28,175 25,593 27,683

Cash Flows

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
Cash flows from operating activities 2,340 4,619 3,650 3,785 3,677
Cash flows from investing activities -804 91 -30,553 -2,020 336
Cash flows from financing activities -1,941 -1,914 31,229 -1,835 -1,632
  FY2023/5Q FY2024/1Q FY2024/2Q FY2024/3Q FY2024/4Q
Cash flows from operating activities 3,785 3,486 5,434 1,915 3,677
Cash flows from investing activities -2,020 1,836 1,335 894 336
Cash flows from financing activities -1,835 -1,221 -1,353 -1,495 -1,632

※Describe the results during the cumulative period

Various Indicators

  FY2020 FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024
EPS 11.58 20.59 30.54 20.74 26.65
BPS 124.90 145.72 299.54 316.70 336.89
Annual dividend per share 2.0 3.4 4.6 5.2 31.35
Payout ratio(consolidated) 17.3% 16.5% 15.1% 25.1% 117.6%
Return on equity(ROE) 9.6% 15.2% 14.1% 6.7% 8.2%