SEPTENI HOLDINGS Announces FY9/16 Consolidated Earnings and Dividend Payment Estimates
SEPTENI HOLDINGS announced consolidated earnings and dividend payment estimates for the fiscal year September 2016 based upon recent earnings trends.
1.Fiscal Year September 2016 Consolidated Earnings Estimates (October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016)
2.Fiscal Year September 2016 Dividend Estimates

3.Reasons for Consolidated Earnings and Dividend Estimates Announcement
Arriving at rational and accurate earnings estimates for the SEPTENI Group at an early stage is difficult because of the rapid changes within the Internet business environment. Consequently the Company has chosen to announce earnings estimates for only the quarter immediately following the term for which actual results have been announced. In accordance with this policy, SEPTENI announced its full year earnings estimates for fiscal year September 2016 based on earnings trends observed during the third quarter and recent business conditions. At the same time, SEPTENI announced its dividend payment estimate based on its full year earnings estimates. This estimate is based on its dividend payout ratio target of 15% and basic policy of paying a minimum of JPY 5 per share.*
*The minimum amount will be changed to 2 yen due to a 1:5 stock split, which is scheduled on October 1, 2016, from the Fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.
<Note>The estimates cited above are based on the best information available at the time of their creation, and actual results may differ due to various unforeseen factors.
SEPTENI HOLDINGS announced consolidated earnings and dividend payment estimates for the fiscal year September 2016 based upon recent earnings trends.
1.Fiscal Year September 2016 Consolidated Earnings Estimates (October 1, 2015 to September 30, 2016)

2.Fiscal Year September 2016 Dividend Estimates

3.Reasons for Consolidated Earnings and Dividend Estimates Announcement
Arriving at rational and accurate earnings estimates for the SEPTENI Group at an early stage is difficult because of the rapid changes within the Internet business environment. Consequently the Company has chosen to announce earnings estimates for only the quarter immediately following the term for which actual results have been announced. In accordance with this policy, SEPTENI announced its full year earnings estimates for fiscal year September 2016 based on earnings trends observed during the third quarter and recent business conditions. At the same time, SEPTENI announced its dividend payment estimate based on its full year earnings estimates. This estimate is based on its dividend payout ratio target of 15% and basic policy of paying a minimum of JPY 5 per share.*
*The minimum amount will be changed to 2 yen due to a 1:5 stock split, which is scheduled on October 1, 2016, from the Fiscal year ending September 30, 2017.
<Note>The estimates cited above are based on the best information available at the time of their creation, and actual results may differ due to various unforeseen factors.