Representative Director Yuichi Kouno
Career Summary
2006 Joined the Company 2014 Officer of Third Account Division, SEPTENI CO., LTD. 2015 Officer of Second Account Division, Septeni Japan, Inc. 2017 Officer and General Manager of Second Account Division, Septeni Japan, Inc. 2018 Group Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
Representative Director, SEPTENI CO., LTD. (current position)
Representative Director, Septeni Japan, Inc. (current position)2022 Group Senior Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
Outside Director, and factory,inc.
Director, Dentsu Digital Inc.2024 Representative Director, Group President and Chief Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.(current position) Reasons for Appointment of Directors
Mr. Yuichi Kouno has extensive experience and results, and considerable insight in the Group’s Digital Marketing Business and new businesses, and because he is expected to play appropriate roles and exercise strong leadership on the Company’s further growth, business expansion and all aspects of business administration, he is deemed necessary for enhancing corporate value.
Director Yusuke Shimizu
Career Summary
2006 Joined the Company 2014 Officer of Media Solutions Division, SEPTENI CO., LTD. 2015 Officer of Media Growth Division, Septeni Japan, Inc. 2017 Officer and General Manager of Media Division, Septeni Japan, Inc. 2018 Group Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.
Representative Director and President, SEPTENI CO., LTD. (current position)
Representative Director and President, Septeni Japan, Inc. (current position)2022 Group Senior Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD 2024 Director, Group Executive Vice President and Executive Officer, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position) Reasons for Appointment of Directors
Mr. Yusuke Shimizu has extensive experience and results, and considerable insight in the Group’s Digital Marketing Business as well as operational experience in the field of corporate planning, and because he is expected to drive the management of the Group and further enhance and drive corporate governance, he is deemed necessary for enhancing corporate value.
Outside Director Etsuko Okajima
Career Summary
1989 Joined Mitsubishi Corporation 2001 Joined McKinsey & Company 2002 Joined Globis Management Bank, Inc. 2005 President, Globis Management Bank, Inc. 2007 CEO, ProNova Inc. (current position) 2014 Outside Director, Astellas Pharma Inc.
External Director, MARUI GROUP Co., Ltd. (current position)2015 External Director, LANCERS, Inc.
Outside Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD.(current position)2016 Outside Director, Link and Motivation Inc. 2018 Outside Director, Yappli, Inc.
Outside Director, Euglena Co., Ltd.2019 External Director, Money Forward, Inc. 2020 Director, CHRO, Euglena Co., Ltd. 2024 Director of Euglena Co., Ltd. and Chairman of the Nomination and Compensation Committee (current position)
Outside Director, KADOKAWA CORPORATION (current position)Reasons for Appointment of Outside Directors
Ms. Etsuko Okajima has an abundance of experience and knowledge, and considerable insight of corporate management, and because she has actively provided useful advice on all aspects of the business administration of the Group from an independent and objective position, she is deemed capable of providing oversight and advice on the Company’s business administration as an outside director.
Outside Director Yoshiki Ishikawa
Career Summary
2008 Director, Cancer Scan Co., Ltd. 2014 Director, Campus for H Inc. 2018 Representative Director, Well-being for Planet Earth Foundation (current position) 2019 Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), Sansan, Inc.
External Director, Gaiax Co.Ltd. (current position)
Outside Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)2024 Representative Director and President, Unson, Inc. (current position) Reasons for Appointment of Outside Directors
Mr. Yoshiki Ishikawa has professional, extensive experience and results, and considerable insight as both a preventive medicine researcher and as a founder of a company using methods based on behavioral science, and because he has actively provided useful advice on all aspects of the business administration of the Group, he is deemed capable of providing oversight and advice on the Company’s business administration as an outside director.
Outside Director Akie Iriyama
Career Summary
1998 Joined Mitsubishi Research Institute, Inc. 2008 Assistant Professor, University at Buffalo, the State University of New York 2013 Associate Professor, Business School, Waseda University 2016 Outside Director, Macromill, Inc. 2019 Professor, Business School, Waseda University (current position)
Outside Director, ROHTO Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (current position)2020 Outside Director, Sanoh Industrial Co., Ltd. (current position)
Outside Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)2021 Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), SORACOM, INC. (current position) Reasons for Appointment of Outside Directors
Mr. Akie Iriyama has operational experience as a consultant, along with professional, extensive experience and results and considerable insight as a researcher specialized in the management strategies and the global management fields, and because he has actively provided useful advice on all aspects of the business administration of the Group, he is deemed capable of providing oversight and advice on the Company’s business administration as an outside director.
Outside Director Mio Takaoka
Career Summary
1999 Joined Goldman Sachs Japan Securities 2002 Joined Morgan Stanley Japan Securities (currently Morgan Stanley MUFG Securities Co., Ltd.) 2006 Joined Lehman Brothers Japan Securities 2009 Joined Monex Group, Inc. 2014 Executive, General Manager of new business, Monex Group, Inc.
Director, Monex Ventures, Inc.2017 Joined MedicalNote, Inc.
Partner, Arbor Ventures2018 Director, MedicalNote, Inc. 2020 Outside Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position) 2021 Outside Director, KAYAC Inc.
Partner, DNX Ventures (current position)
Outside Director, HENNGE K.K. (current position)2022 Outside Director, DENTSU SOKEN INC. (formerly Information Services International-Dentsu, Ltd.) (current position)
Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), KAYAC Inc. (current position)Reasons for Appointment of Outside Directors
Ms. Mio Takaoka has professional, extensive experience and results, and considerable insight of strategic investment, new business development and finance, and because she has actively provided useful advice on all aspects of the business administration of the Group, she is deemed capable of providing oversight and advice on the Company’s business administration as an outside director.
Outside Director Makoto Shiono
Career Summary
1998 Joined Citibank, N.A., Tokyo Branch 1999 Joined Goldman Sachs Japan Co., Ltd., Tokyo Branch 2000 Joined Members Co., Ltd. (seconded to EC-watch.com Co., Ltd. as CFO) 2001 Joined Bain & Company Inc. 2003 Joined livedoor Co., Ltd 2008 Joined Industrial Growth Platform, Inc. 2012 Partner/Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform Inc. 2017 Executive Managing Director, CIO, JBIC IG Partners 2018 External Director, NewsPicks, Inc.
Director, JB Nordic Ventures Oy2020 Outside Director, beBit, Inc. (current position) 2022 Outside Director, INCLUSIVE, INC. (current position) 2024 Outside Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)
Partner/CLO, IGPI Group, Inc. (current position)
Managing Director, Industrial Growth Platform Inc. (current position)Reasons for Appointment of Directors
Mr. Makoto Shiono has extensive experience and results, and considerable insight in strategic planning and implementation consulting and M&A advisory services for domestic and foreign companies and government agencies, he is deemed capable of providing oversight and advice on the Company’s business administration as an outside director.
Director Tadashi Kitahara
Career Summary
1991 Joined Dentsu Inc. (currently Dentsu Group Inc.) 2019 Managing Director of the Business Produce Division, Dentsu Inc.
Director, NewsPicks Studios Inc.2022 Executive Officer, Dentsu Inc. (current position)
Director, Rakuten Data Marketing, Inc. (current position)
Representative Director, Dentsu Digital Inc.
Director, Dentsu Digital Inc. (current position)2023 Director, CARTA HOLDINGS, INC. (current position)
Director, Japan Interactive Advertising Association (current position)2024 Director, LIVE BOARD, INC. (current position)
Director, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)Reasons for Appointment of Directors
Mr. Tadashi Kitahara joined Dentsu Inc. (currently Dentsu Group Inc.) in 1991 and has extensive operational experience and management experience, including serving as an Executive Officer of Dentsu Inc. in charge of the Strategy and Media & Contents of that company since 2022. Therefore, because he is expected to provide useful advice on all aspects of the business administration of the Group and contribute to the promotion of alliance operations with the Dentsu Group.
Outside Auditor (Full-time) Tadahiro Mouri
Career Summary
1980 Joined Taiyo Fishery Co., Ltd. (currently Maruha Nichiro Corporation) 2012 General Manager of Administration Department, Maruha Nichiro Foods, Inc. (currently Maruha Nichiro Corporation) 2014 General Manager of Logistics Department, Maruha Nichiro Corporation
General Manager of Risk Management Department, Maruha Nichiro Corporation2018 Advisor, DAITO GYORUI CO., LTD
Director (Full-time Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), DAITO GYORUI CO., LTD2020 Outside Auditor (Full-time), SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position) -
Outside Auditor Mamoru Furushima
Career Summary
1993 Joined Chuo Audit Corporation 1997 Registered as a certified public accountant 2000 Joined the Fuji Accounting Office 2003 Joined PwC Advisory Co., Ltd. 2007 Joined the Legal Training and Research Institute of Japan under the Supreme Court of Japan 2008 Registered as a lawyer (Tokyo Bar Association) 2009 Joined Okuno & Partners 2015 Representative, Furushima Law & Accounting Office
Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), Nippon Chemical Industrial Co., Ltd.
Outside Auditor, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)2020 Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), B-Lot Company Limited (current position)
Outside Audit & Supervisory Board Member, SECURE, INC. (current position)2021 Representative Partner, Trident Lawyer Corporation (current position) 2024 Outside Director (Audit & Supervisory Committee Member), Wel-Dish. Incorporated (current position) -
Outside Auditor Takeshi Okuyama
Career Summary
2002 Joined the Legal Training and Research Institute of Japan under the Supreme Court 2003 Registered as a lawyer (Daini Tokyo Bar Association)
Joined Mori Hamada & Matsumoto2011 Partner, Mori Hamada & Matsumoto (current position) 2014 Associate Professor, Waseda Law School 2019 Outside Auditor, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position) -
Auditor Hideo Hatano
Career Summary
1994 Joined General Sekiyu K.K. 2005 Credit Control Advisor of the Asia-Pacific region, ExxonMobil Yugen Kaisha 2015 General Manager of Audit, GYXIS CORPORATION 2016 Senior Manager of Integration Promotion and Group Management Preparation Office, TonenGeneral Sekiyu K.K. (currently ENEOS Corporation)
Internal Audit Manager, Amazon Japan G.K.2019 Head of Japan Internal Audit Office, Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2021 Chief Internal Auditor (Supervisor of Global Monozukuri and audit of Japan-ASEAN region), Nissan Motor Co., Ltd. 2022 Executive Director of DJN Internal Audit Office, Dentsu Group Inc.
Executive Director of Internal Audit Office, Dentsu Group Inc.2023 Executive Officer in charge of internal audit, dentsu Japan, Dentsu Group Inc.
Supervisory Board Member, CARTA HOLDINGS, INC. (current position)2024 Group Management and Head of Internal Audit, Dentsu Group Inc.
Auditor, SEPTENI HOLDINGS CO., LTD. (current position)2025 Group Management and Global Head of Internal Audit, Dentsu Group Inc. (current position)
Executive Officers
Group President and Chief Executive Officer(Group CEO) Yuichi Kouno
Group Executive Vice President and Executive Officer Yusuke Shimizu
Group Executive Vice President and Executive Officer Isamu Ueno
Group Senior Executive Officer Kei Hatano
Group Senior Executive Officer Tei Go
Group Senior Executive Officer Kazunari Kondo
Group Senior Executive Officer Daisuke Suefuji
Group Senior Executive Officer Masayuki Takano
Group Executive Officer Teruyuki Noguchi
Group Executive Officer Shuhei Ezaki
Group Executive Officer Yoko Miyazaki
Group Executive Officer Masayuki Muto
Group Executive Officer Yusuke Fukuhara
Group Executive Officer Yuta Suzuki
Group Executive Officer Takahiro Yamasaki
Group Executive Officer Ryo Okubo